when should you use passive voice weegy. eciov evitca eht esu ot dlot erew eW sv . when should you use passive voice weegy

<b>eciov evitca eht esu ot dlot erew eW sv </b>when should you use passive voice weegy  occasion and the audience

When the performer of the action is more important than the action or the receiver of the action D. This is in the active voice. Log in for more information. Score 1 You should use passive voice when: you want to emphasize the person or thing acted on. 51 MB 2,441 How to use the Passive Voice 😅 English Grammar LessonThe active voice uses fewer words, and the sentences are direct. g. You can recognize passive-voice expressions because the. To make the subject you the receiver of the action asked, the verb in the sentence should be in the passive voice. Conjunction C. Voxer is available for iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and Android devices. -is when you should use passive voice. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. ”. First, the use of active voice typically improves the clarity of a sentence when compared to a passive voice construction. Score 1 User: active and passive are types of verb Weegy: Active and Passive are types of: voice. - uses the passive voice. Score . Weegy: In the following pronunciation guide for the word " interjection," JEK syllable receives the primary stress. D. To make the subject you the receiver of the action asked, the verb in the sentence should be in the passive voice. You should use passive voice when: you want to emphasize the person or thing acted on. You should never use passive voice in any kind of writing. Example: The executive committee approved the new policy (active voice). The test was completed. D. For example, “The ant was helped by the human. User: Which of the following statements contains bias Weegy: The employees whined about their low wages is a statement that contains bias. Weegy: You should use passive voice When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action. Updated 8 days ago|5/22/2023 11:31:00 PM. Thousands of years ago, fish were cause “in” nets and traps. Active d. 05:28 7. which of the following sentences is written the passive voice? Weegy: The following sentence is written in the passive voice: The effects of cyanide are well known. Rating. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. should never use passive voice in any kind of B. Weegy: You should use passive voice When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action. passive voice. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Learning English. Closing statement b. Score 1. Passive: A mistake was made. -uses the passive voice. B. 7615 User: when should you use a passive voice Weegy: Passive voice - the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the source) of the action denoted by the verb. [ Messages stream live as you talk and your friends join you live or listen later. You should never use dashes in formal, academic writing. 1. Pronoun D. Score 1 User: which of the following. Score 1 User: When should you use passive voice? A. • The doer of the action is not known, or is not important. Score 1 User: Which sentence uses the passive voice Weegy: The sentence that uses the passive voice is: The tree was planted by Mary. When using the passive voice, the verb be is conjugated and put into the proper verb tense to show when in time an action happens. " The active voice is direct, clear, and easy to read. . Asked 338 days ago|10/5/2022 7:07:12 PM. when you want to sound scientific but dont know what youre. The sentence in which semicolon is used correctly is: Joe watered the garden; however,. -uses a semicolon correctly. ] Score 1 User: which of the following is an infinitive phrase, some flour, behind ,to go,grocery Weegy: A split infinitive is an infinitive that has a word between "to" and the verb. You should use passive voice: When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the action. How Do you Fix Passive Voice? 3 Examples. Weegy: You should use passive voice When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action. However, some of the most frequent uses of the passive voice are: to emphasize the action or its object instead of the doer of the action. B. User: In which of the following sentences is a semicolon used correctly? Weegy: In the following sentence, a semicolon is used correctly: Joe watered the garden; however, the. should never use passive voice in any kind of B. 7615 User: when should you use a passive voice Weegy: Passive voice - the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the source) of the action denoted by the verb. (passive) The grizzly was humiliated by the bobcat. B. Score 1 Question and answer When should you use passive voice You should use passive voice: When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the action. You can find the subject by asking who or what did the action. Added 3/2/2016 10:49:25 AM. We use the passive voice to change the focus of the sentence. ] User: Which of the following is the best strategy for arranging words and sentences into patterns for emphasis?Weegy: Use the same structure to start multiple sentences is the best strategy for arranging words and sentences into. Updated 1/10/2022 2:08:05 PM. 10/31/2023 10:28:07 PM| 4 Answers. A passive voice is used when you want to make the subject the receiver of the action. nardo [Deleted] Added 3/1/2022 8:21:26 PM. b. User: what name was given to the mass movement of african americans from the south to northern cities> Weegy: The Great Migration was. ] User: In which of the following sentences is a semicolon used correctly Weegy: Cheryl's favorite snack is chocolate; she could eat it daily. 9264 User: Which sentences use the passive voice?Select two options. You use passive voice, when a sentence puts the direct object before the verb, and the subject after the verb. C. Comments. User: when should you use a passive voice Weegy: You should use passive voice When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action. We used were because questions is many. User: Which of the following sentences written in the passive voice Weegy: The sentence that uses passive voice is: The tree was planted by Mary. 37,344,590. User: When should you use passive voice Weegy: You should use passive voice When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action. You should use passive voice: When the performer of the action is more important than the actrion or the reciever of the action. Weegy: A recession was occurring at the time is a factor that helped Bill. The topic sentence of each paragraph should support the thesis statement of the composition best describes the relationship between thesis statements and topic sentences within a writing composition. In passive voice, the verb is composed of a form of “to be” (e. Reasons to Use Passive Voice. Active d. Add an answer or comment. When should you use passive voice? A. ] Weegy: Cheryl's favorite. I don't like my job very much. Asked 2/1/2022 6:13:27 AM. a. . In the active voice, the subject of the sentence is the one doing the action. With the passive voice, the subject is acted upon by some other performer of the verb. The rain continued until dawn. Weegy: In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is acted upon by some other agent or by something unnamed. Log in for more information. The antecedent of the pronoun "their" is representatives. Weegy: Freewriting is an exercise in which you write whatever your thoughts are in no particular order. Weegy: "Voxer is a Walkie Talkie application for smartphones. Present Perfect (passive voice) subject + has/have + been + past participle + by + object. When should you use passive voice? A. Added 40 days ago|6/24/2023 3:26:58 AM. older b. ] Score 1 User: In which of the following sentences is a semicolon used correctly Weegy: Cheryl's favorite snack is chocolate; she could eat it daily. Direct. Here’s an example of this with the subject underlined: Subject performing the action (active voice): The dog chased me. Score 1. Hit “ok” on this dialogue box and then click “ok” again. Unless the majority of your writing is. Connect with others, with spontaneous photos and videos, and random live-streaming. Weegy: You should use passive voice When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action. To use active voice, you should make the noun that performs the action the subject of the sentence and pair it directly with an action verb. Added 34 days ago|2/1/2023 5:53:36 PM. For example, “A paper is being written by me. Score 1 Because you're already amazing. - uses the passive voice. which of the following sentences is written the passive voice? Weegy: The following sentence is written in the passive voice: The effects of cyanide are well known. This handout will explain the difference between active and passive voice in writing. Weegy: The strikers will return to work when the union representatives have completed their negotiations. ) You should you use passive voice when the doer of the action (agent) is unknown. Don’t be afraid to keep the passive voice if, and only if, it communicates a deeper. When you want to sound scientific but don't know what you're talking about C. So: Passive: Arthur is loved by Henrietta. -uses the passive voice. Weegy: A recession was occurring at the time is a factor that helped Bill Clinton win the presidency in the election of 1992. ] Score 1 User: free writing is an exercise where you? Weegy: Freewriting is an exercise in which. Weegy: The sentence that contains a dangling modifier is: Arriving ten. Passive voice is not a grammar mistake; it is just a language tool, that you should know when to use. other, choose active or passive voice based on which part of the sentence you wish to emphasize. 1 Answer/Comment. User: Which sentence uses the passive voice? Weegy: The tree was planted by Mary. This is in the active voice. User: when should you use a passive voice Weegy: Passive voice - the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the source) of the action denoted by the verb. Weegy: You should use passive voice When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action. Summary: · Expert Answers: You can recognize passive-voice expressions because the verb phrase will always include a form of be, such as am, is, was, 7 IS 42. Note: Over the past several years, there has been a movement within many science disciplines away from passive voice. Updated on October 11, 2019. Future (passive voice) subject + will/going to + be + past participle + by + object. Weegy: An island arc complex is formed. And we might also add: "But. - uses the passive voice. (passive – focus on my bike) Someone stole my bike. You should use passive voice when: you want to emphasize the person or thing acted on. Weegy: You should use passive voice When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action. Yes, it’s perfectly valid to write sentences in the passive voice. The passive voice should be used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. If you wrote the same sentence in the passive voice, it would emphasize the recipient of. User: A thesaurus is a book that's it seful for finding Weegy: A thesaurus is a book that's it seful for finding synonims and. To make the subject you the receiver of the action asked, the verb in the sentence should be in the passive voice. Seven dollars were. Here’s when using the passive voice is a great idea: When the thing or person acting is unknown, and you want to talk about the action itself: Ape-themed murals have popped up around the globe. Expert. - contains an infinitive phrase (to go). Richard Nordquist. Tense B. Question. emphasize the subject of the sentence being acted on. D. When the action or the receiver of the action is more. User: Which sentences use the passive voice?Select two options. For instance, the active voice is good for the introduction, results, and discussion sections of the manuscript where you are laying out complex. Score 1 User: The italicized words make up which type of verbal phrase? turning the corner, Kate bumped into David. The piano is played by the lady. B. :27 AM. Question. Weegy: Harangue is most likely to have a negative flavor. -uses a semicolon correctly. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or. oldest Weegy: Of your two sisters, which is older. Added 31 days ago|11/10/2022 8:29:23 PM Weegy: You should use passive voice When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action. use active voice c. perturb C. ) Passive voice is when a sentence puts the direct object before the verb, and the subject after the verb. Writers often use the passive voice to improve cohesion, to shift the focus of a sentence, or to prevent a subject and verb from being too separated in a sentence. When the actor is unknown. Question|Asked by bortcesca. write more lively sentences. Expert Answered. When you want to sound scientific but don't know what you're talking about C. Post thoughts, events, experiences, and milestones, as you travel along the path that is uniquely yours. You should use a possessive voice when: the person or thing acted on comes first, and the actor is added at the end, introduced with the preposition “by. a. User: Which sentence uses the passive voice. use the verb "to be. "Turning the corner" is a participial phrase. When you use active voice, your writing is clearer and more direct. 11/15/2023 1:26:26 AM| 3 Answers. 1 Answer/Comment. Question. New answers. Examples: From “The lawn was mowed by my daughter,” to “The lawn looks beautifully trimmed, thanks to my. Weegy: The sentence that needs semicolon to be corrected is: Jerry loves tennis; he plays every day. Log in for more information. Passive voice is a form of passive construction (or passive syntax), which occurs when the subject receives or undergoes an action instead of performing it. Expert. ] Expert answered|capslock. Score 1 A passive voice is used when you want to make the subject the receiver of the action. Score 1 User: A type of run-on. 0 Answers/Comments. Log in for more information. There are two basic voices in English: active and passive. The answer is when the doer of the action is unknown or when the performer of the action is more important than the action or the receiver of the action. User: What type of punctuation should not typically be used in any kind if formal or professional writing? Semicolon, Apostrophe, Question mark, Exclamation point. You use passive voice, when a sentence puts the direct object before the verb, and the subject after the verb. You use passive voice, when a sentence puts the direct object before the verb, and the subject after the verb. Many times, students ask if they must avoid passive voice completely. Log in for more information. Most times, you fix passive voice by making it active. There are no comments. Score 1. julyaselin. [ A dictionary's word entry offers a fixed, permanent meaning. two oceanic plates converge. In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action, while in the. You should use passive voice: When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the action. You should use passive voice when: you want to emphasize the person or thing acted on. The sentence is in an Active voice. Question. The first option sounds awkward - it doesn't really matter who added the feature, so Passive Voice is better here because it lets us leave the doer of the action unnamed. When the performer of the action is more important than the action or the receiver of the action C. Score . Score 1 User: which sentence uses a passive voice Weegy: The tree was planted by Mary. When writing radio news, you should use ____ voice. ) But the passive voice is not incorrect. Weegy: You should use passive voice When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action. Learn the difference between active verbs and passive verbs, and how active sentences and passive sentences are used. When you want to sound scientific but don't know what. 0 Answers/Comments. Score 1 User: active and passive are types of verb Weegy: Active and Passive are types of: voice. The classes of verbs are not "action and passive". ”. New answers. One of the simplest ways to tell if a sentence is in the passive voice is if you can add “to be” in front of the main verb. Added 9/12/2022. In passive voice, the sentence. Scroll down to “style” and select “passive voice. Janet17. User: A store is offering a 20% discount on all sales over $50. Added 48 days ago|11/10/2022 8:29:23 PMYou should use passive voice: When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action ] Expert answered|Ishm|Points 31268|. Active and passive are plain simple grammar and depend on the perspective from which you narrate an action. You should use passive voice when: you want to emphasize the person or thing acted on. Updated 1/29/2018 8:48:16 AM. oldest Weegy: Of your two sisters, which is older. Wherever possible, you should use passive voice in your writing, especially in formal writing. Log in for more information. Asked 2/1/2022 6:13:27 AM. - begins with a past participle. User: When writing, you can most effectively use a dash to Weegy: When writing, you can most effectively use a dash to get the reader's attention. (is + played)The car was driven. The active voice of this sentence is, “The human helped the ant. Because you're already amazing. (In case you weren’t paying attention, the previous two sentences use the type of voice they describe. You should use passive voice: When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the action Log in for more information. When writing radio news, you should use ACTIVE voice. Question. User: in titles, which words are typically not capitalized. ” 1. Score 1 User: When someone speaks of the flavor of a word, that person is talking about the extra understood meanings that it Carrie’s in addition to its main meaning these extra meanings are called. -both sentences use the passive voice. When the performer of the action is more important than the action or the receiver of the action D. ] Score 1. The sentence in which semicolon is used correctly is: Joe watered the garden; however,. you should never use passive voice in any kind of writing. However, if you are writing more layered content like a research paper or even a comedy. Reporting verbs (tường thuật) (agree, announce, argue, believe, claim, disclose, expect, hope, know, predict, report,. Score 1 User: when writing you can most effectively use a dash to? Weegy: When writing, [ you can most effectively use a dash to: Add meaning and emphasis. Better: Writers should avoid using passive voice. what’s the purpose of an adjective . Question. If not, it is in the active voice. Weegy: The following sentence is written in the passive voice: The effects of cyanide are well known. User: when should you use a passive voice Weegy: You should use passive voice When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action. write longer sentences. Expert Answered. You should use passive voice: When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the action . For instance, if I say You asked questions. Weegy: COLLAGE is a form of artwork arranged from cut out or torn material pasted onto a surface. Updated 125 days ago|10/8/2022 7:45:03 PM. com;User: Which sentence uses a passive voice. The sentence that uses the passive voice is: The tree was planted by Mary. Score 1 User: when writing you can most effectively use a dash to? Weegy: When writing, [ you can most effectively use a dash to: Add meaning and emphasis. Score 1 User: which sentence uses a passive voice Weegy: The tree was planted by Mary. when the performer of the action is more important than the action or the receiver of the action. User: What is the most important point in the following sentence my sister Emily the tallest girl in her class has many friends Weegy: My sister, Emily, the tallest girl in her class, has many friends. When you want to sound scientific but don't know what you're talking aboutWeegy: Most of the imagery in a poem is designed to appeal to the reader's: Senses and emotions. User: which sentence uses the passive voice Weegy: The sentence that uses the passive voice is: The tree was planted by Mary. Score 1 User: when writing you can most effectively use a dash to? Weegy: When writing, [ you can most effectively use a dash to: Add meaning and emphasis. Active Voice In a sentence with an active voice verb, the subject is the agent of the sentence andThe get-passive. 1 A Readability Statistics report for a Word document displays an inaccurate value for passive sentences. Would you be so kind as to explain the use of the passive voice in combination with the many tenses that it is used with? The passive voice is used when we want to focus. Post thoughts, events, experiences, and milestones, as you travel along the path that is uniquely yours. You should use passive voice: When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the action. User: when should you use a passive voice Weegy: You should use passive voice When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action. The subject, “outfielder” actively performs the action of the verb “throw. On the other hand, the active voice is a sentence that focuses on the Subject. Passive c. 0 Answers/Comments. Score 1. You should use passive voice: When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the action. Active d. Original conversation. Score 1. User: Facts can be proven or disproven by Weegy: Facts can be proven or disproven by. I made a mistake. Weegy: The sentence that uses passive voice is: The tree was planted by Mary. mscupcake|Points 150| User: Of your two sisters, which is _____?a. Direct. 1. Weegy: Active and passive are types of Voice. Passive Agressive b. active passive Weegy: I ate a piece of chocolate cake. (active) The ball was hit by me. Log in for more information. You can do this in any word processor. When should you use passive voice? A. The passive. Log in for more information. User: when should you use a passive voice Weegy: You should use passive voice When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the [ action. Read the sentence. Expert answered| Cezss |Points 26794| Log in for more information. -uses a semicolon correctly. The police questioned the suspect. C. 10/31/2023 10:28:07 PM| 4 Answers. Direct. Weegy: The effects of cyanide are well known: is written in the passive voice. Weegy: You should you use passive voice when the doer of the action (agent) is unknown. You need to know whether the sentence voice is active or passive. A You should never use passive voice B When you want to sound scientific but don't know what you're talking about C When the performer of the action is more important than the actrion or the reciever of the action. 1 Answer/Comment. When the action or the receiver of the action is more. Original conversation. which sentence use passive voice. Active voice: the subject of a sentence is followed by the verb and then the object of the verb (e. Expert Answered. You may wonder why we didn't use are which also means many. New answers Rating 3 4Eian You should use passive voice: When the action or the. You should use passive voice: When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the action. Original conversation. Use the past emphatic tense to complete the sentence. Scientists often now prefer active voice in most parts of their published reports, even occasionally using the subject, we, in the Materials and. Sometimes, however, the passive voice is used to. Weegy is a website that provides answers to various questions and topics. ] Score 1 User: In which of the following sentences is a semicolon used correctly Weegy: Cheryl's favorite snack is chocolate; she could eat it daily. e. When you want to sound specific. Weegy: A passive verb is used to demonstrate or describe the specific action of the subject of a sentence. The voice of a verb tells you whether the subject of the sentence is completing an action or if an action is being done to the subject. Weegy: There are three end marks: the period, the exclamation point, and the questions mark. Direct Weegy: When writing radio news, you should use ACTIVE voice. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Taylor was driving down Highway 101, he was pulled over and given a ticket by a police officer. Weegy: A dangling modifier is a phrase that has nothing to modify in a sentence. Score 1 3. oldest Weegy: Of your two sisters, which is older. 1. Hiding the doer and producing wordy prose can be bad things in legal writing, and the experts agree: “The passive voice results in a wordier sentence. . Weegy: Mike joined the Army he became more disciplined during the training. a. How can I help you? User: which of the following statements about sentences is true? A. Active and passive aren't narrative devices in the same way that first or third person narrators are. The subject is something, or it does the action of the verb in the sentence. Share your world. I don't like my job very much. 0 Answers/Comments. -uses a semicolon correctly. You should use passive voice: When the action or the receiver of the action is more important than the performer of the action. Passive. You should you use passive voice when the doer of the action (agent) is unknown. Which sentence uses the passive voice? There are no new answers.